Links We Recommend

Here are some websites that we recommend you visit that might be interesting or that can increase your knowledge of plant material:
CT Agricultural Experiment Station- An amazing resource for plant databases, plant disease information, ongoing agricultural problems in the state that may affect our communities and much more.
CT Chapter of NOFA.  NOFA, or Northeast Organic Farming Association, offers a course to certify those working in the nursery and landscape industry in organic land care.   It also works to support organic gardeners and consumers interested in organics.
Offers a listing of Certified Organic Land Care Professionals in the state of CT.   Look for Warner’s listing under ‘AOLCP Search’ section of the website.
UCONN Plant Database.  Allows you to search for plants by Latin or Common name.  Each plant listing offers characteristics and cultural information.
CT Invasive Plant Working Group.  A group that works hard to raise awareness of the problem of invasive plants in our state and how to identify these plants.
CT Butterfly Association promotes the awareness and appreciation of butterflies and moths.
CT Botanical Society is an organization that offers a great website with information on wildflowers, native plants, plant i.d. as well as how to become a member of the organization and field trips that are offered.
Safe Lawns Foundation.
UCONN Home and Garden Education Center.  They answer gardening questions for homeowners and offer information on soil testing.

Products we sell:
Provider of bagged soils, mulches and composts.
One of our favorite vendors, selling organic soils, composts and specialty soil amendments, many made with elements from the sea…
Provider of 100% organic mulch.
Company offering lawn care products, including many organics and a new line of low-phosphorus fertilizers.  Find detailed lawn care information here.